CST Composites continue to ratchet up the victories in the I14 class with Brad Devine and Ian Furlong recently taking out the 2013-2014 Australian National Championships with our spars. This makes it 5 wins for Brad and Ian in the National Championships and a further 4 World Titles in a row. It seems that an International 14’ Skiff powered by CST Composites is almost untouchable!
In this year’s Australian Nationals, not only did CST Composites help the winning boat achieve the ultimate victory, but of the top 10 boats in the fleet, 7 of them sported gear from CST Composites.
So why is our gear so popular? Why does our gear keep winning? CST Composites exerts every effort when designing and innovating in order to conceive a spar that can be married to a suit of sails with maximum efficiency.
This fastidious approach to every step of a project from start to finish is what sets CST Composites apart from the rest. It means that we can produce spars that are stiffer, more durable, lighter and optimised to provide the best profile to design a sail to.
Our latest rectangular booms have been adopted by the fleet faster than almost any other class. Already the stiffest booms in the market, our latest model sports laminated vang attachments and glue-on fittings has eliminated the need to drill holes or bolt anything to our booms, thus keeping them even stiffer! With no room for compromise in such a highly competitive fleet, the innovative spirit that has kept the I14 such a strong class links perfectly to the enthusiasm and passion that keeps CST Composites at the forefront of design.